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Glass Pens

It is a popular writing instrument that combines beauty, ease of use, and practicality. We stock a wide range of glass pens, from handmade glass pens by glass artists to affordable glass pens recommended for beginners.


  • 樹氷アメジスト・ガラスペン

    硝子工房 Sayori × 八文字屋
    original price ¥11,000 - original price ¥11,000
    original price
    ¥11,000 - ¥11,000
    Current Price ¥11,000
    Only a few left

    樹氷はシベリアからの季節風が蔵王連峰の木々にぶつかり氷と雪に覆われて完成する自然の創作物です。 朝焼けの空に照らされた雪の結晶は、水晶のような輝きを見せ樹氷原の銀世界を紫色に染め上げます。 年間でもわずかな日数しか見ることができないその情景をガラスペンで表現しました。 ペン先もほんのり紫色に...

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How to use a glass pen and its appeal

HachimonjiyaOur staff will provide you with detailed information.

How to use a glass pen

Perfect for glass pens

HachimonjiyaOriginal. A one-of-a-kind apple-shaped ink pot that will add a touch of color to your desk.

Apple ink pot

A proposal from the stationery king

The stationery king himself designed and produced this easy-to-clean cleaner!

Glass Pen Cleaner

Please wrap it gently

A recommended pen case for storing two glass pens safely and securely.

JECOL's pen case for glass pen