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Learning Manga: Complete Set of World History (All 18 Volumes)

original price ¥19,800 - original price ¥19,800
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¥19,800 - ¥19,800
Current Price ¥19,800
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Condition: New

★ Ships from Japan! 

"Learning Manga: World History" (Shueisha) complete set (all 18 volumes).

Work Summary

History is a story.
"Because it's Shueisha of manga, it's interesting and easy to understand!"
The definitive edition of the newest history learning manga, compliant with the latest curriculum guidelines!

*The design of the case may change.

Complete set (all 18 volumes) Limited quantity 3 great benefits

1. Can be stuck in the bath! Extra large double-sided poster
Posters with diagrams and timelines to help you study!
2. Cover illustration used! Clear bookmark & memo stand
"Illustrations by popular manga artists turned into convenient stationery!"
3. Write and Erase! My Timeline Clear File
A special material that allows you to write on it, so you can create your own timeline!

The long-selling "Shueisha Edition Learning Manga: World History" has been completely renewed for the first time in 22 years!
It has become a compact size in a soft cover that is convenient for carrying, in a 4/6 format.

[Features of this book]

● The cover illustration is handled by a manga artist active in various Shueisha magazines.
●The main manga features accomplished manga artists, pursuing interesting and easy-to-understand stories.
● The important modern and contemporary history for the exam has a large volume of 10 out of 18 volumes. Corresponds to the new textbook "World History Exploration."
●Each volume is supervised by experts from their respective eras. The article pages are also enriched with columns and materials.
●With immense popularity on YouTube educational videos, the author of "The World History Textbook You Will Never Forget Once You Read It" (published by SB Creative), Mr. Keiichi Yamazaki, also known as Teacher Mundi, serves as the overall advisor. He conveys the enjoyment of world history from the perspective of a current public high school social studies teacher.

Product specifications

学習まんが 世界の歴史 全巻セット

第1巻 オリエントと地中海の文明≪エジプト・メソポタミア・ギリシア≫

第2巻 中国文明の始まりと中華帝国≪黄河文明から唐≫

第3巻 巨大帝国ローマの栄光≪古代ローマ・ビザンツ≫

第4巻 イスラーム世界とインド≪王朝の興亡と宗教≫

第5巻 キリスト教とヨーロッパの発展≪中世ヨーロッパ≫

第6巻 モンゴルと東アジア≪宋から清前期、朝鮮≫

第7巻 ルネサンスと宗教改革≪近世ヨーロッパ≫

第8巻 ヨーロッパの主権国家≪絶対王政と啓蒙専制君主≫

第9巻 産業革命とアメリカの独立≪資本主義の始まり≫

第10巻 フランス革命と国民国家への道≪自由、人権、独立への目覚め≫

第11巻 近代化の進展と帝国主義≪列強と植民地の拡大≫

第12巻 アヘン戦争と辛亥革命≪清後期から中華民国≫

第13巻 第一次世界大戦とロシア革命≪総力戦から国際協調へ≫

第14巻 大衆の政治参加と世界恐慌≪繁栄と動揺の戦間期≫

第15巻 第二次世界大戦と国際連合≪人類史上最大の犠牲≫

第16巻 冷戦と東西対立≪ふたつの超大国と第三勢力≫

第17巻 多極化する世界≪アジア・ヨーロッパ・中東・アフリカ≫

第18巻 進むグローバル化≪21世紀の課題≫

For first-time users

For first-time users

A Complete MANGA set includes all volumes up to the latest release.

As a bonus, it comes in an original Hachimonjiya box (for standard-sized comics only) and ships from our bookstore from Japan.

Ships from Japan!

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