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The Adventurers Nib Collection Flight of 5

original price ¥24,400 - original price ¥24,400
original price
¥24,400 - ¥24,400
Current Price ¥24,400
in stock

This is a replacement nib for the Ferris Wheel Press fountain pens "Marquise" and "Jules" (not released in Japan).

It is a simple unit type that you can replace by yourself.

The font sizes are 5 types: EF (Extra Fine), F (Fine), M (Medium), B (Bold), and BB (Extra Bold).

Each character that appears on the Ferris wheel press is engraved according to the width of the characters, and with each exchange of the nib, the fountain pen transforms into one with a different expression.

In addition to being set in a tin can package with intricate designs for each type, we also have the "Flight of 5" set, which includes five types from EF to BB.

The Marquise Fountain PenThe main body of the fountain pen is here

【The Adventurers Nib Collection Single Nib Set】Click here for the nib alone

Product specifications

品名:アドベンチャラーズ ニブ コレクション フライト オブ 5
EF - 0.38mm
F - 0.45mm
M - 0.55mm
B - 0.65mm
BB - 0.75mm

Stand for Ferris Wheel Press 38ml ink.

38ml Members K Cum interest rate hike

Nationwide flat rate shipping (550 yen including tax). Shipped within 2 business days of order.

Payment method

Accepts various credit cards, cash on delivery, convenience store and smartphone payments

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