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Submerged forest emerald

Lake Shirakawa is located in the northeastern part of Iide Town, Yamagata Prefecture. When meltwater flows into the lake, the scenery of a submerged forest appears for just one month before it is released for rice planting.

I imagined the mysterious beauty of the surface of a lake in a submerged forest and expressed it in a pale green color.


  • Submerged Forest Emerald

    八文字屋 オリジナル
    original price ¥2,200 - original price ¥2,200
    original price
    ¥2,200 - ¥2,200
    Current Price ¥2,200
    in stock

    山形県飯豊町の北東部に位置する白川湖。春には萌える山々のもとで幾通りもの新緑の色が湖面に映り込みます。 そこへ雪解け水が流れ込むと、田植へ向けた放流までのわずかひと月のあいだ、満水の白川湖には水没林の景色が現れます。 淡い光の射す早朝、一帯は柔らかな湿り気に包み込まれます。 水没林の間を朝霧が...

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