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Picture book set

We have put together a picture book set of popular works that are currently in the spotlight, as well as timeless classics that have been loved for generations. The set will be delivered wrapped in original wrapping paper filled with motifs that children love.


  • 科学探偵 謎野真実シリーズ(全17冊セット)

    original price ¥16,643 - original price ¥16,643
    original price
    ¥16,643 - ¥16,643
    Current Price ¥16,643
    in stock

    子どもが理科好きになる科学推理小説として人気の『科学探偵 謎野真実』シリーズ。 全17冊セット(朝日新聞出版)。 特典 オリジナルデザインの包装紙で無料ラッピング! 作品概要 科学探偵VS.学校の七不思議 クラスメートの宮下健太とともに、学校でうわさの七不思議の謎を、科学の力で解き明かす。...

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Exclusive Benefits

Exclusive Benefits

The gift will be delivered wrapped in original wrapping paper filled with fun motifs that will make children excited and want to open it right away.

About Us

Introducing to Hachimonjiya
Interview with Shibata Keiko on "The Pandoro Thief"!

Interview with Shibata Keiko on "The Pandoro Thief"!

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Interview with picture book author Suzuki Noritake!

Interview with picture book author Suzuki Noritake!

Getting to the secrets of "A Great Crime"'s popularity