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Complete MANGA Set

An online store operated by a bookstore where you can easily find the complete set of the MANGA you are looking for. We have a wide selection of MANGA in a wide range of genres, from the latest hits that have been adapted into media to classics.


  • 裸一貫! つづ井さん 全巻セット(全5巻)

    original price ¥5,280 - original price ¥5,280
    original price
    ¥5,280 - ¥5,280
    Current Price ¥5,280
    in stock

    『裸一貫! つづ井さん』(つづ井・文藝春秋)の全巻セット(全5巻)。 こちらはA5判サイズの書籍につき、収納ができないため八文字屋オリジナル「コレクションBOX」は付属しません。あらかじめご了承ください。

Introduction to how to use the exclusive Collection Box.
Using the Hachimonjiya's Collection Box

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